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How To Use "Bedside Mode" On Your BlackBerry

Bedside Mode gives you the ability to change some settings when charging your Blackberry. It is especially handy if you charge your device over night in the same room that you sleep, and you want your BlackBerry to remain on (in case you want to use the alarm) but don’t want your BlackBerry to make any noise or flash any lights.

Here are some tips on using Bedside Mode:

  • To enter Bedside Mode every time you charge your device, click the “Clock” icon on your BlackBerry, then click your “Menu” and select “Options”. Under the heading “When Charging” click on the drop down menu and select “Bedside Mode”.
  • Every time you plug in your device to charge it will now enter Bedside Mode. If you don’t want to leave it in Bedside Mode, just press the Back/Escape key on your BlackBerry and you will exit Bedisde Mode.
  • To configure the settings for your Bedside Mode, in the “Clock”  and “Options”, scroll down to the Bedside Mode settings.
  • You can “Disable LED” which will prevent the LED on the front of your BlackBerry from flashing on incoming contacts.
  • You can “Disable Radio” which will prevent any contacts from getting through to you.
  • You can choose “Dim Screen” which will cause your BlackBerry screen to dim while in Bedside Mode.
  • You can choose the “Profile” you want to be active while in Bedside Mode. Choosing “Silent” will ensure you BlackBerry does not make any noise on any  incoming contacts.
  • When you exit Bedside Mode your profiles will return to their normal settings.

Bedside Mode is available only on Blackberry devices that have Operating System 4.6 or higher.

Do you sleep with your BlackBerry charging in your room? Do you use Bedside Mode? Let us know.