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Screen Grabber – Our Newest App Now Available For Free

We have just released our newest app – SCREEN GRABBER.

Screen Grabber is the ultimate screen shot/capture application for BlackBerry devices. With Screen Grabber, send a map or directions to your best friend, or send your icon screen with a couple of clicks to share with family and friends. There´s nothing quite like Screen Grabber and free is always good. Real good.

o Screen Grabber ads a menu item in all your Blackberry menus for quick and easy access to take screen shots.

o With a single click take a screen shot of your Blackberry screen. Tap. Done.

o Email that screen shot to anyone, anywhere, any time.

o Screen Grabber stores all your screen captures in a new file called Screen Grabs. Want to see your contacts list from a month ago? Easy. If you grabbed a screen shot of that important client´s phone number, it´s in the file labeled Screen Grabs, right where we put it for you.

o Screen Grabber is the only “screen-shot” app that we are aware of that can take a screen shot from within your Browser on OS 6 .0 devices.

o Screen Grabber saves the screen shots in a small size (usually less then 50kb), making it easier to email and save your screen shots.

o Want to send a map or directions to your technically-impaired friends? It doesn´t get any easier than click and send with Screen Grabber.

o Organize your Blackberry Screen Grabs in a single place – one folder holds it all in an “at-a-glance” format.

o So simple to set up, Screen Grabber does it all for you. Download and you´re good to go.

App icons, maps, tools, contacts, addresses – JaredCo´s Screen Grabber makes it a snap to grab a screen shot, send it or store it for use down the line.

And best of all, Screen Grabber is totally free so it costs you zip. But, like all JaredCo apps, it delivers real functionality that enhances your Blackberry experience.

You´ve got nothing to lose and lots of utility to gain. Like all JaredCo apps, we design them, we build them and we support them. Even the FREE ones.

Get Screen Grabber from BlackBerry App World:


  • February 18, 2011
  • Apps

4 Tips For Taking Better Picutres With Your BlackBerry Camera

Here are some ideas to help you take better pictures with your BlackBerry camera:

  1. Hold your BlackBerry as steady as possible: This will prevent blurring and any shutter lag or slower shutter speed. Hold your breath while taking pictures, or lean against a solid object to keep you steady.
  2. Make sure you have lots of light: The blackberry camera performs much better in situations with more light. The built in flash (included in most BlackBerrys) is only really useful for lighting an object or person who is already close to where you are.
  3. Use “Large” picture size and “Superfine” Quality: This will ensure you take the highest quality pictures at all times. You can always reduce the size of the picture later from your computer. You can set the Large and Superfine settings in the Options settings of your camera (open your camera, click the “Menu” button,  select “Options”).
  4. Use GeoTagging: This allows the BlackBerry to include your exact GPS coordinates in  each picture taken (this feature is only available on BlackBerrys that have  GPS) . Your friends can easily find out where the picture was taken. Turn on Geotagging either in the Menu list of your camera, or in the Options settings of your camera (open your camera, click the “Menu” button,  select “Options”).

Please let us know if you have any other tips to taking great pictures on your BlackBerry, we’ll publish the best ones we receive.